Goh Yoshihiro

Goh Umanosuke Yoshihiro

Goh Yoshihiro was one of the greatest and most important sword smiths of Japan and his 13th century swords, many of which have been designated ‘priceless national treasures’, are considered amongst the rarest and most precious artifacts in Japan.

Goh and Umanosuke are later given names. Yoshihiro is the name given to him by his family. He hails from Uozu (Matsukura) city in Toyama (Etchu) prefecture.

Goh and Umanosuke are later given names. Yoshihiro is the name given to him by his family. He hails from Uozu (Matsukura) city in Toyama (Etchu) prefecture.

Goh was a student of Masamune who is considered the greatest Japanese swordsmith of all time. He became the most skilled of the (Masamune Juttetsu) the 10 greatest students of Masamune and was reputed to make blades so fine that they were often confused with the works of his master.

Due to his death at a young age he produced only a limited number of blades and it is this rarity and exceptional craftsmanship of his works that make Goh Yoshihiro swords so valuable today.

Throughout time his works have been highly sought after and held in the highest regard. Even during his life time his swords were snapped up and added to the collections of the wealthiest (Daimyo) clan leaders that, while everyone would hear about the greatness of his blades, very few people would ever get to see them. This lead to a saying in Japan, “one never sees a ghost or a Goh!”